I have noticed in the last several years all the hype in the online CAM and adult world revolves around nerdy girls. Guys seem to love him. So, I thought to myself “what makes nerdy girls sexy to so many of us?”.
After pondering this question … I have my own perspective. Online adult sites appeal to many of us because of the amateur aspect of it. Porn girls that come at this expressing their real life nerdy personality is something many of us can relate too. The nerdy / gaming culture has grown up over the last 30 years. Even people in their 40’s and 50’s have grown up playing video games. Whether you are in your 20’s or 50’s we all remember those teenage girls that played video games with us and how we had so much fun hanging out going head to head playing games. Back in my day it was playing side by side on the classic arcade games, today it is playing online via Twitch, Xbox or Playstation. In either era, it is all about the fun we are having or have had in the past with the girl next door that liked hanging alongside of us and enjoying the common fun of gaming. Guys, you know the feeling I’m talking about … “Wow, I can’t believe I am sitting here next this cute girl playing videos games” … you think some naughty thoughts in your head but you keep them to yourself. It is those types of memories that make these girls so attractive to us today. Many of us wanted those girls to be our girlfriends, but we knew they were only friends in reality. However, today they can be your online virtual fantasy girlfriend.
As guys that grew up with technology we see these nerdy girls next door as “attainable” in our heads. They are not women to be put on a pedestal and worshiped in the vein of super models or the classic adult magazines. Rather, they are the pretty girl next door that we believe we would have a shot with in real life and can actually be our friends. We can hang out with them and game, attend comic con with them at our side, nerd out on the latest Sifi movie or nerd out building some crazy DIY robot project. Nerdy girls tend to be more friendly and open than girls that have that “I’m super-hot” mentality. In the online adult world, they provide a girl we can talk with and actually have something in common with to discuss. Bottom line, they will talk with us guys and treat us nicely.
So, CHEERS to all the nerdy girls out there that are willing to share their personalities and sexiness with all of us. Thanks for being real, friendly, attainable and fun. Thanks for bringing gaming girl sexiness to the online world.
Finally, this brings me to the impetus of this post. Here is an incredible sexy picture of Gigi. Gigi looks (and is) sexy as hell in this photo wearing her cut off shorts and cowboy boots. However, in real life Gigi is nerdy girl. She is very smart college junior studying an incredibly difficult major, she plays Hyperspace Dungeon and Dragons, she likes SiFi TV shows and she likes gaming. I am glad Mike discovered her and brought her to BlowBang Girls and it has been a real pleasure getting to know her.
Enjoy the picture, there are many more to come. ~ Rob