Dawn Marie and I want to personally thank you for your patience with updates over the last two weeks. We took our first two-week vacation in several years. We needed to disconnect, revitalize ourselves and reinvigorate our passion for what we do! It worked, we have returned home and ready to bring you lots of exciting updates to all our sites. As small business owners running all our sites, we have worked like crazy the past 4 years building all the different sites we manage. This break was needed for our mental health and we hope you appreciate that because we appreciate our friends, followers and members very much.
We did a two-week driving trip and covered over 4000 miles in our car. We drove to St. Augustine, Florida to visit with my elderly parents. It was the first time we have ever spent a solid week with them by ourselves, no other kids or relatives. The amount of history in St. Augustine is truly amazing and worth seeing. After leaving St. Augustine we traveled to Montgomery and Selma, Alabama to visit several historic civil rights locations. We visited The Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration and The Nation Monument for Peace and Justice. Next, we drove to Selma and visited the Edmund Pettus Bridge and walked in the historic footsteps of Martin Luther King and several other civil rights pioneers. It was a very moving day and gave pause for reflection on race relations in this country. We have come a long way, but we are not there yet, we need to keep working towards equal rights for all Americans.
So, again we want to thank all our friends and followers for your support and continued support.
Sincerely ~ Rob and Dawn Marie